October 15th., 2012

What would you say if I told you of a nun who left her order to found a new one; introduced dancing to her new sisters; when asked if it was proper to pray while one was tending to the call of nature said, “Pray always, even there; for what goes up goes to God and what goes down goes to the devil!;” was hated by many “orthodox” members of the hierarchy; and once, when she fell in a stream asked God why he was treating her badly and God said to her, “Thus I treat my friends!,” said right back at Him, “Ah! No wonder you have so few!”

This was not a liberal nun; it was great St. Teresa of Avila, the great reformer of the Carmalites and one of the greatest minds that ever lived. Today is her feast day.

You see, the greatest reformers are always Catholic and we really need to study our faith; to find out how organic it is, (which is one of the reasons we reject the so-called Vatican Council II, which was itself false and artificial and introduced artificiality and deadly heresies under the guise of holy obedience into the corporate structure of the Church. “To deceive, as it were, even the Elect!”)

Think on these things, study her life and the lives of all the saints; those that were canonized up through the pontificate of the much maligned Pius XII.

I leave you with my favorite quote of St. Teresa: “A sad saint is a sad sort of saint!” Those who love God are always joyful, often happy and smile! “Where there is laughter, there is the true church!” Bless you this day and always+


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