ASH WEDNESDAY, February 13th., 2013

Though death is certain for everyone of us, the hour of death is not. St. Gregory said that this uncertainty of hour is “in order that we may always be apprehensive of death,” and “may without intermission prepare for it,” He concludes: “To fear death before it comes is to conquer it when it comes.”

Every thought, choice and act should be aimed at conquering death, so that we can exclaim with St. Paul: “Death is swallowed up in victory! O death, where is your victory?! O death, where is your sting?!” This aim is taken by choosing our values and their priorities in the light of the greatest moment of life- our death! Then we see things- and ourselves- as they are, realistically! Then every moment we shall etch into our souls the values that will forever fulfill our being. That etching of values is called CHARACTER which, like all other beauty, is purchased by renouncements. What we say “NO” to, deepens our eternal “YES!”

The etching of this “YES” is our identification with the Divine Love that prompts God’s plan of mercy from which justice overflows.

We remember that death is not a cessation of existence. The soul takes up existence without the body until the day of General Judgement. All the real yearnings and aspirations of the soul are fulfilled when the created effect achieves the Uncreated and Ineffable Cause!

The Rev. Vincent C. Donovan, O.P.

LENT: Losing Every Negative Thought. In lent we prepare for that greatest day, the day we are called Home to Our Creator, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived.

O God, to you all hearts are open. All desires known, and from You no secrets are hid! Cleanse our thoughts and purify our minds, so that we may ever rejoice in your consolation. In Whom we remember the sacrifice of Jesus, Saviour of the world and Lover of Souls. Amen.


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