What Will Happen In 2015?

What will this year hold for us?  We know that God foresees everything before it happens.  He is the Lord of Time and is it’s Master.  From before the foundation of the world He knew that you would be reading these words at this moment.  He wants to give you the strength to succeed in this life.  Our reason for living is simple but profound.  Why was I born and why did I come into the world?  I came into this world in order to know God, to love God and to serve God, so that I may forever be happy with Him in Heaven.

Every person who lived, lives or will live on earth is given all the graces necessary for salvation.  All we must do is correspond to these graces.  That’s all.  It is very simple though it is not easy.  Because God is infinitely just and infinitely merciful, He sent His Own Son to live the life we can not live and to die the death we can not die, in order to obtain His free gift of redemption.  Trust Him.  Know that He loves you more than it is possible for you to imagine and that He goes before you to lead, guide and protect.  He gives us His Most Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints in Heaven as our friends and helpers and the teachings and sacraments of Holy Mother Church to nourish us and inspire.th  Do not neglect them but ask for all that you need and it will be done for you.

Here is one of my favorite poems…


The stars shine over the mountains,

The stars shine over the sea,

The stars look up to the Mighty God,

The stars look down on me;

The stars shall last for millions of years,

Millions of years and a day,

But God and I will live and love

When the stars have passed away!-

Robert Lewis Stevenson


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