Saint Valentine, Martyr

Saint Valentine lived at the time of the early church in Rome and is listed in the official martyrology of Holy Mother Church.  He is the patron of romantic love, which is a holy and beautiful gift of God for those to whom it is intended.  Saint Valentine gave his life for his One, True Love- Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  He was a priest.  As all priests know, Jesus is our True Love and He compensates magnificently for any sacrifice made for love of Him.

Anti-pope Paul VI, removed Saint Valentine from the official list of saints of the Newchurch, known as Vatican II- the Anti-church.  This act has no basis in authority or effect in the True Church.

Pray for those of your friends who are married and need the grace and consolation of romantic love to generate proper feelings of affection for their partners in salvation.  How wonderful is the Lord!

Saint Valentine, Martyr of Our Blessed Lord Jesus, pray for us to Him Who is Eternal Love.  Amen.



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