Tag Archives: Blessed Lord

My Daily Prayer For The Tortured

ALMIGHTY AND EVER LIVING GOD, look with pity upon all Your children who suffer under the terrible burden of torture.  Be merciful to them and give them many miracles of escape and hope.  In the very midst of their trials do not them lose sight of Your Divine Love and compassion, but send upon them Your Holy Spirit, that they… (more…)


Prayer To Saint Jude

St. Jude reminds us that there is nothing impossible for God. Over the centuries his miraculous help has touched the lives of millions. Being a member of the Communion of Saints has wonderful benefits! Among these are recourse to the saints who have gone before, marked with the Sign of Faith and who, by the Will of Almighty God, intercede… (more…)


The Feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7th., 2012

This is a marvelous feast day! This is the day that Holy Mother Church celebrates the most powerful sacramental that God gives us, the Most Holy Rosary. The rosary is a ladder to heaven. It is the one, instantaneous thing that identifies the Catholic to the world; the tether to the Mother of God, who herself is the link to… (more…)

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