Tag Archives: Christ Jesus


“Since love completes all, makes all hard things soft and the difficult easy, let us strive to make all our acts proceed from love.” – Ven. Arnold Janssen “The sacraments, which are the channels by which grace and Divine Life reach our souls have their value only through Jesus’ sacrifice.  If we are today in a state of grace to… (more…)


The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is appropriate that the Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated sometimes in Lent, as it is this year.  Our Lady suffered along with Our Blessed Lord and her mystical communion with her Son is a type of fellowship we should strive toward. Our Lady Mary is closer to God than any other creature.… (more…)


The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today we celebrate the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin in the temple in Jerusalem by her mother and father, Sts. Joachim and Anna. They were childless and told that they would have a blessed child. This presentation of her to God was in fulfillment of a vow to give the child back to God to be educated and raised in… (more…)

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