Monthly Archives: April 2011

EASTER, 2011

Resurrexit, sicut dixit! This most joyous day we celebrate that great truth which separates Christians from all others: The fact of the resurrection from the dead of Our Blessed Lord Jesus, the only Christ. This one most magnificent and holy event in the history, (His story) of the world is what gives us hope and is the cause of our… (more…)


Holy Thursday, 2011

Whom God would choose, He marks to be His own. He shares him not; Who chooses God must stand apart, alone: this is his lot. O, not for him the fellowship of men, he knows it not. His only love must be his Lord and God: this is his lot. A man so chosen by His God deserves it not;… (more…)



This prayer to the magnificent Infant of Prague is to be said on the hour for nine hours, (just one day.) The good Lord will grant your petition or give you the grace to bear whatever cross you are being asked to carry to your own Calvary. Without the cross there is no crown. Without a crown of thorns there… (more…)

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