Monthly Archives: November 2012

Prayer To Great Saint Joseph

O Glorious Saint Joseph, faithful Guardian of Jesus Christ, to thee do we raise our hearts and hands to implore thy powerful intercession in obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare; particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special favors we now implore… (Make your requests known.) O Guardian… (more…)


The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, November 21, 2012

Our Most Blessed Mother is the Theotokos- the God Bearer and as such, all aspects of her holiness, the gift of God poured out in abundance upon His Handmaiden, are important in the life of the church. This feast, at the beginning more prominent in the eastern churches, celebrates the giving of the child Mary by her mother and father,… (more…)


A Thought on the Eve of the Presentation of the BVM

The things which we do wrong and the sins which we commit- although they may seem little at the time, and though from the hardness of our hearts we justify and pass them lightly by- come back to us with bitterness, when danger makes us think how little we have done to deserve help, and how much to deserve punishment.… (more…)


A Prayer For Animals

Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends the animals, especially for animals who are suffering; for animals that are overworked, underfed and cruelly treated; for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars; for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death. We… (more…)


The Feast of All Souls, November 2nd., 2012

This day Holy Mother Church celebrates and prays for all the souls of the faithful departed; those souls that are saved but in purgatory where they are being purified before entering heaven. It is an interesting fact that the Holy Bible contains seventy three books, not the sixty six that the protestants use. Martin Luther and the various deformers threw… (more…)

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