Monthly Archives: December 2014

Mary Christ Mass! 2014

LOVE came down at Christmas LOVE all lovely, LOVE DIVINE LOVE was born at Christmas Star and angels gave the sign! Worship we the Godhead LOVE INCARNATE, LOVE DIVINE Worship we our JESUS But wherewith for sacred sign? LOVE shall be our token LOVE shall be yours and LOVE be mine LOVE TO GOD and to all men LOVE for… (more…)


Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness and Mother of the Americas

Throughout history Our Blessed King Jesus has sent His holy and dear Mother, Mary Most Holy to certain souls, (mostly children) to reiterate the teachings of the Holy Gospels.  Holy Mother Church, through rigorous and fine judgement has approved of those that are real apparitions and which can be recommended to the Faithful to help them on the way of… (more…)


Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed be the Immaculate Conception of the Great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy! This marvelous feast day is often confused by non-Catholics and by many Catholics, themselves, (those who do not study their faith- or ‘RINO’S,’ Roman In Name Only!)  They think it refers to the Virgin Birth- the conception of Christ through the action of the Holy Ghost… (more…)


Advent 2014

Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming celebrations of the Holy Nativity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Only Christ.  Holy Mother Church, during her liturgical year, symbolically goes through the life of the good Lord and all those beings, (from angels to people, even demons and the Evil One) that are associated with… (more…)

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