Tag Archives: Holy Mother Church

We Are Dust

“Remember, Man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.”  With this simple but profound statement, Holy Mother Church reminds her children that this earthly life is not our goal.  We are destined for eternity and how we will spend it is the most momentous of subjects. This LENT, this “Losing Every Negative Thought,” let us offer our… (more…)


Saint Valentine, Martyr

Saint Valentine lived at the time of the early church in Rome and is listed in the official martyrology of Holy Mother Church.  He is the patron of romantic love, which is a holy and beautiful gift of God for those to whom it is intended.  Saint Valentine gave his life for his One, True Love- Our Lord and Saviour… (more…)


What Will Happen In 2015?

What will this year hold for us?  We know that God foresees everything before it happens.  He is the Lord of Time and is it’s Master.  From before the foundation of the world He knew that you would be reading these words at this moment.  He wants to give you the strength to succeed in this life.  Our reason for… (more…)


Advent 2014

Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming celebrations of the Holy Nativity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Only Christ.  Holy Mother Church, during her liturgical year, symbolically goes through the life of the good Lord and all those beings, (from angels to people, even demons and the Evil One) that are associated with… (more…)


Great Saint Francis of Assisi

Great Saint Francis of Assisi was not wanted by his earthly father, Pietro Bernardone.  He was angry at his wife for having his son baptized with the name Giovanni after St. John the Baptist.  He didn’t want a son who was a man of God, he wanted a merchant like himself.  He also wanted a son to reflect his own… (more…)


Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels, 2014

Angels are real.  They are immortal beings and each person that has ever been or ever will be has a Guardian Angel.  This belief is Catholic doctrine and Our Blessed Lord Jesus Himself tells us in scripture:  “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look… (more…)


The Solemnity of Corpus Christi

It is the constant teaching of Holy Mother Church that through the consecrated hands of the Catholic priest, Jesus Christ Himself comes down upon the altar in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to become our very Food and Drink!  He loves us so much that He becomes our actual and spiritual sustenance.  What Love is this? that causes the… (more…)


Pentecost, the Birthday of Holy Mother Church

Come, Oh Holy Ghost and fill the hearts of Thy faithful!  Enkindle in them the fire of Thy Love… Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created, and Thou shalt renew the face of the earth! Oh God, Who by the Light of the Holy Ghost, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy… (more…)


Holy Saturday

The beautiful, ancient observances of Holy Saturday are the oldest in the Church.  This is the day that we enter into the great mystery of the Resurrection from the dead of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  It is the last day of Lent, but it is the day on which the fasting of Lent is over.  Since Our Blessed… (more…)



Please be so kind as to say a prayer for the release of Warren Weinstein, an American citizen who was captured and is being held by the terrorists Al Que’da in Pakistan.  God is still on the throne and prayer changes things! Today we celebrate the first Catholic martyr, great St. Stephen, deacon of Holy Mother Church.  He saw the… (more…)

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