The Feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7th., 2012

This is a marvelous feast day! This is the day that Holy Mother Church celebrates the most powerful sacramental that God gives us, the Most Holy Rosary. The rosary is a ladder to heaven. It is the one, instantaneous thing that identifies the Catholic to the world; the tether to the Mother of God, who herself is the link to the Saviour. She, the most magnificent creation of the Triune God.

Mary Most Holy is unlike any creature, for she is the Daughter of the Heavenly Father; the Mother of the Redeeming Son; and the Spouse of the Holy Ghost, Three in One. There is an infinite distance between the Blessed Mother and all other created beings, angel or human; just as there is an infinite distance between her and Almighty God. Contemplation of her mysteries brings us most assuredly to the Blessed Lord and it is God’s Will that we love her as our own mother and queen. “I am the mother of fair love and of fear, (awe;) of knowledge and of holy hope. He who finds me finds God and wins favour from the Lord.” Love her always and be assured that this is a sign from God that you are on the right road.

Read often the Fifteen Promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary. Cling to it with devotion and fervour and you will never be disappointed in where she will lead you. Bless you and those you love, this day and every day.


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