The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The great feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, like other Marian feasts, highlights God’s wondrous and marvelous deeds in her life and her cooperation in the work of the redemption of man.  By honoring and loving Our Blessed Mother Mary we give honor and glory to God, through Jesus Christ the King of Love.  Our Lord, by granting her more grace than any other creature and elevating her to the status of Queen of Heaven, Queen of Angels, Queen of the Universe and Queen of Peace, enabled her to give her fiat- her YES to the Will of Almighty God in the order of salvation.  We honor with great devotion the Maid of Nazareth who became Our Mother by the express order of Christ from the Cross of Calvary, while we adore and worship the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ.

So many terrible things are happening in the world today, especially to the House of God.  Teenage martyrs have shed their blood for Christ and His Church, with nary an actual hand of help from the power that resides in the Vatican, but Christ is the Just Judge and his children, less than a month ago living on earth are now reigning with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.  They are now part of the Church Triumphant.  It is important for those of us who live in free lands sing their praises and help those we can.  What a burden is ours!

O Mary, conceived without sin and assumed into heaven, pray for us sinners!




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