Dearly Beloved,

Terrible things are happening in the Middle East and around the world to Christians.  The situation is so severe that it is difficult to express the proper outrage.  The plight of Catholics in Iraq is horrendous.  We are led to believe by the media and our leaders that the ouster and death of Sadam Hussein was good for that country and region, but this is not true!  Yes, he was a terrible man and did terrible things, but there was religious freedom and protection of all faiths in Iraq under his regime.  The United States has made a bad situation much, much worse by their lack of attention to detail in the setting up of the new powers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Priests, nuns and believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are being tortured and martyred daily.  Babies are being slaughtered and eaten by these infidels, (and that is the only appropriate word for these forces of eveil.)  In Mozul, ALL Catholics and other Christians have been either murdered or made refugees.  The Vatican, finally(!) has started condemning this persecution, but actual help in the form of money needed for the refugees is late or non-existent.  There needs to be a clearing house where souls of goodwill- Americans in particular, can donate to help their brothers and sisters.

I urge all of you to go to your priests and pastors and beg them to preach on the persecution of Christians in the world today!  We must face these terrible acts and counter with actual help, in the form not only of fervent prayer to the Almighty and Ever Living and Loving Lord Jesus Christ, but also with monetary assistance and physical help.

We have become a nation that is compartmentalized; we don’t care as a group about what is really important.  We are more interested in our games and hypnotic entertainments than in the suffering around us.

Because we have an all volunteer Armed Forces it is easy for us to forget that our warriors- those which buy our freedom for us with their blood, are doing things that they shouldn’t because of lack of numbers.  To send a soldier on more than two tours of duty is folly!  This was never allowed before in our history.  They forget themselves and commit atrocities in our names.  Because there is no draft, we as a nation can look the other way and we have no universal interest in the wars which we are waging.  We must bring back the draft and we must stop our young women from serving in combat.  Even the Israelis no longer have women in combat roles, for the atrocities committed against them by enemies when they were captured were unacceptable to them.  Good for the Israelis!  Also, they found that the men serving with them would stop to save them, thereby compromising the missions.  It is against nature to have women in combat!  The incidents of rape and pregnancies in uniform are through the roof!  This is a social experiment that has gone terribly wrong and we as a nation and the good women trying to serve their country are the ones that suffer because of this insanity!  Women should, of course be allowed to serve, but not in combat and not integrated with men on ships or on land.  THIS PRACTICE IS INSANE!, and we must all educate ourselves and stand up and speak the truth!

Again, please ask your spiritual leaders what they are doing for the Persecuted Church and insist they preach on their plight.  We have a new apostolate, (ministry) for the Persecuted Church and all who suffer the terrible burden of torture.  It is: CATHOLICSAGAINSTTORTURE.ORG  Please go to this site and write in and ask for a free prayer card.  Please pray for the tortured!

O God of justice, Love and mercy, look with pity upon our suffering brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for Thy Names’ sake.  Give them miracles of escape and help and open our hearts to the truth of life around us.  Help us to fulfill our calling as Christians and stand up for those who have no one to stand for them.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ we pray with Our Blessed Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints in heaven.  Amen.




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