Dogs and Cats and Unseen Things

Dear Friends in Christ,

Something that has intrigued me for quite some time is the possibility that our pets, our little, furry friends (and all animals, for that matter) have the capability of seeing the Unseen. This was brought more to my attention recently when I had a discussion with my best friend about what happens when he walks his dogs. Just before they set out he says a little prayer with them. I know, I know it sounds too cutesy for words but there is a reason for it. He has a dog that seems to be part bulldog and part something else, a real mutt. Anyway, this dog loves to tear after other dogs or animals that it sees and so he must keep her on a tight leash. As he is recovering from some serious medical conditions he doesn’t have the strength that he used to and he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to control the animal. He was quite worried about it until he started to pray to the Holy Angels before they left the house. As he started to do this silently he noticed that the dogs got very quiet and started to look up at a corner of the room. Each time he did this, in different areas and at different times the dogs got quiet and stared in a direction that had nothing there. He told me that his dear, departed mother would do the same thing and he believes that the animals, being closer to God because they are not sinners that they are able to see Angels and other things in the Unseen Realm. After thinking it over and studying other similar cases and realizing that this is a matter that Holy Mother Church really leaves up to us, (as long as we are not dogmatic about it!) I think he is right.

Anyone who loves an animal companion knows of what I speak. I believe that they are close to God and that they are innocent, though subject to nature which has been contaminated by the effects of sinful man and that they can see things that we can not. I have heard of many quite interesting stories from pet owners in this regard and find them faith building. There is so much around us that we do not see, that we refuse to see! Young children are also capable of seeing the Unseen. This I have no doubt about. Though children do manipulate and lie at times, (they come from us, do they not?!) they are also much more innocent than we and they are much, much closer to God. Did not Our Saviour say not to scandalize them for “Their Angels see the Father!” How marvelous. I wonder at what age it was that my Holy Guardian Angel became unable to behold the Face of God. Think about it yourself. What age did your Holy Guardian have to turn his/her face because of the sins that you committed? We are, none of us grown ups free from guilt in this manner. We are in a continual quest to get back to that innocence of youth; To that time when our Angel Guardians could behold the Face of God! As a race we are to be striving ever to return to the innocence of the Garden through the sacrifice of the Saviour upon the Cross of Calvary, Who will, through His suffering and death bring death to sin and restore all creatures and creation to its primordial beauty. A new heavens and a new earth await. May we be made worthy to partake of this magnificent future that God wants to give us, that He will give to those who love Him. Eye has not seen, not ear heard, nor has it ever entered the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him. How wonderful to know that in the midst of our sinful lives and in this Vale of Tears there are still creatures that can see the Unseen. Let us not stop in preparing and in running the good race for at any time we may be made accountable. He is a God of mercy. He is Mercy Itself. Let us not forget how He loves us. May the God of dogs and cats and little children bring you and me to that place of innocence where we too can once again see the Angels on the ceiling!


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