We Who Are Disabled

Dear Friends,

I have heard from many of you who do not know that I am disabled, which is the reason for my lack of posts. For this I am sorry. When one is dealing with constant pain from many areas it is quite difficult to compose oneself enough to write.
In times like these one learns the great lesson of just being, just suffering through without any audible prayer. Giving everything; Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual attacks to the good Lord, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In this way, one is united to the suffering Christ and words become unnecessary. It is most illuminating. Breath itself becomes a prayer. The beating of the heart, in union with the Sacred Hearts, becomes all the prayer one needs, when it is all united to the Sacrifice of Christ upon the Cross and in the Mass.
All this has given me a much greater and personal appreciation and union with others who are suffering. In all of this I remember you at the altar and pray for all of you and your intentions. Pray the rosary and trust in God. Pray for me. I send you my blessing+

Fr. Jamie


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