The Feast of the Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel- Day Two of the Novena to Saint Joseph

The history of the feast of the Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel is quite remarkable.  In the year 495, a wealthy man had a large herd of cattle grazing on Monte Gargano in Italy, not far from the city of Siponto.

One day a steer went astray from the herd and did not return with the rest of the cattle.  The owner and his men went in search of the steer and finally found him on the summit of the mountain, lying at the entrance of a cave.  The animal refused to leave the spot.  Exasperated by its stubbornness, the owner took up his bow and sent an arrow towards the poor animal.  However, the arrow whirled about in the air, returning to the archer and wounded him.

All were frightened at the strange incident and no one ventured to approach the place.  They went to the bishop of Siponto and told him what had happened.  The holy prelate, after serious reflection, concluded there must be some mystery involved.  He then prayed fervently that the Will of God would be revealed.  Thereupon, Saint Michael appeared to him in great splendor and said: “I am Michael the Archangel, and I stand always before the Lord.  I am keeping this place under my special protection.  By this strange event, I wish to remind men to celebrate the divine service in my honor and that of all the Angels.

After this revelation, the bishop and all the inhabitants of the place went up the mountain in solemn procession and worshiped the Lord and prayed to Him through the intercession of Saint Michael.  When they arrived at the cave they found an entrance which led down a stairway.  No one, however, ventured to enter.  They performed their devotions at the opening.  After that, many pilgrims came to the mountain.

Much later, around the year 663, the Neapolitans decided to make war with Siponto and Benevento.  The latter, at the advice of their bishop, kept a three day fast and called upon the assistance of the holy Archangel.  During the night preceding the proposed attack, the Archangel again appeared to the bishop and told him that God had heard their petitions and that in the fourth hour of the day they should courageously meet their enemy and they would be granted victory.

As soon as the attack began, all of Mount Gargano was shaken with an earthquake.  The entire summit was enveloped in dark clouds, from which came flashes of lightening, like fiery arrows that were directed at the enemy, who promptly retreated.  In joy and gratitude and with fervent prayer, the conquerors finally entered the sacred spot.  They found the cavern to be the perfect size for a church would could hold about five hundred souls.

The cave had evidently been a place of refuge in which the early Catholics had secretly had Mass and devotions during times of persecution.  From a crevice in the rock, which formed the ceiling of the sanctuary, water dripped down from the rock face.

This water was refreshing and most pleasant to taste and it possessed healing properties.  Many sick persons were instantly cured after drinking this water; others found health through the intercession of Saint Michael.  Many other miracles proved this place as special and under the protection of heaven.  Alongside of this subterranean church the bishop erected another, in which services were conducted by canons regular, (priests of a religious order.)  This church still exists.

SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle.  Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the other evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen.

Mary, Most Holy, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy up on us.

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