Third Day of Novena to Saint Joseph- Feast of St. Gregory Nazianzen

It is appropriate, in the Month of Our Lady, that we should honor her dear spouse, Great Saint Joseph, Foster Father of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  For he was chosen, like her, above all others to protect the Virgin Mother of God and the Son of God.  Holy Writ calls him JUST; what a simple and profound statement.  Nothing more need be said, for from this one verse all the virtues of Saint Joseph may be extrapolated and have been done so in the millennia of church history.

If you have a problem with your earthly father, go to Saint Joseph and he will teach you what a true father is and he will lead you, as is the role of the Communion of Saints, to Our Blessed Lord, Who Himself shows us the Eternal Father; “Do you not know that he who sees Me, sees the Father?”

O BLESSED SAINT JOSEPH, pray for us as we turn to thee in our necessities.


Saint Gregory Nazianzen was a great teacher in the early church.  A man that was often thrust into positions of power that he did not ascribe to, but took our of obedience.  A great poet, (true poetry and the arts are a sign of the Presence of God,) he had holy friendships with St. Basil and many others, which led to many souls being saved.  He is the only teacher in Holy Mother Church to be holder of the term DIVINE, along with Saint John, the best friend of Our Blessed Lord and author of the sublime, fourthth 1000 gospel and epistles.

St. Gregory Nazianzen, pray for us.


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